Accessible Local Transit
Accessible Local Transit
- Travelling on GO
- Accessibility
- Accessible Local Transit
Door-To-Door Accessible Local Transit
Many local transit systems in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area offer specialized wheelchair-accessible services and can connect you with GO service.
You can ride at a discount to or from your GO station on many local systems by showing your GO ticket, pass, or PRESTO card to the bus driver.
To find out more, visit the site of your local transit system:
- Barrie Accessible Community Transportation Services (BACTS)
- Burlington – Handi-van (Burlington Transit)
- Durham Region Transit Specialized Services
- Halton Hills – Activan
- Hamilton – DARTS
- Milton Transit access+
- Oakville – Care-a-Van
- Region of Peel TransHelp
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Wheel-Trans
- York Region Transit Mobility Plus