Customer Comment Form

We welcome your comments and questions about GO Transit.


Please complete this form, then click on the Send Message button below. We’ll do our best to get back to you in 14 business days.

For urgent inquiries, please call 1-888-438-6646.

Select an exact date. If you are unsure, please provide a range estimate.
24 hour format
Location of incident (optional)

Please do not include credit/debit card or CVV information

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GO Transit is committed to maintaining the accuracy, security, and privacy of the personal information we collect and use, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Our commitment to your privacy applies to the business and activities of Metrolinx and its divisions, including GO Transit, PRESTO and Union Pearson Express.

For more information, read our Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions.

Additional Contact Information