Solid grey colour to use as a hero image

Rouge Hill GO

Elevator rehabilitation project  
Solid grey colour to use as a hero image

Rouge Hill GO

Elevator rehabilitation project  

From Jan. 6 until mid-June, there is repair work to the elevators in the west pedestrian tunnel, and there is no accessible eastbound GO train service from Rouge Hill GO.  Dignity shuttle services will be available for eastbound customers. Additionally, several parking spaces near the accessible ramp on platform one will be closed for material storage.

There will be no changes for customers who do not require elevator access to the platforms.  

Jan. 13 until the end of March: Elevator one, located on platform 1, will be closed for repairs. 

Feb. 24 until mid-June: Elevator two, located on platform two, will be closed for repairs.   

If you require accessible services, here’s what you need to know: 

  • Eastbound: There will be no accessible train service at Rouge Hill GO from Jan. 6 to mid-June.  
  • During the closures, eastbound customers are encouraged to use an alternate GO station;   
    • Pickering GO - approximately 14-minute drive.   
      • **Be advised: The east tunnel at Pickering GO is closed for repairs starting Jan. 24 to Feb. 26. Train platforms remain accessible from the pedestrian bridge elevators located in the bus loop. Learn more.
    • Guildwood GO - approximately 14-minute drive.   
  • Westbound: Service is still accessible on platform one at Rouge Hill GO via the accessible ramp from the parking lot to the platform.  
    • Please note: During these closures, it is not recommended for customers who require accessible services to travel westbound from the south side (Waterfront Trail), as this will require you to backtrack. If you must travel westbound from the south side, board the eastbound train from Rouge Hill GO. Deboard the train at Pickering GO, and transfer to a westbound train. 

Dignity services are available. Here is what you need to know about Dignity and the shuttle services:

  • For customers travelling eastbound from Rouge Hill GO, please proceed to the designated pick-up/ drop-off area, a shuttle to Pickering GO is available upon request.  
  • For customers travelling eastbound towards Rouge Hill GO, please deboard the train at Guildwood GO, a shuttle to Rouge Hill is available upon request.   
  • Call 416-398-2222 and dial “0”, to request a shuttle.
  • Please follow the wayfinding signage and meet the shuttle at the designated pick up / drop off area.   
  • No prior booking is required.   
  • Service is available, seven days a week:
    • Mon-Fri: 5:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
    • Sat-Sun: 6:30 a.m. - 1:45 a.m.