woman in wheelchair waiting for GO train


woman in wheelchair waiting for GO train


GO is for Everyone

We’re committed to making our services as easy to use as possible for everyone.

With accessible trains, buses, and stations; and trained staff to help, we want customers with disabilities to be able to use our services independently or with a support person.

If you require assistance during an elevator outage, please contact the GO Transit Station Ambassador on duty. For accessibility support when station staff are unavailable, call Customer Protective Services at 1-877-297-0642.

Need help during your rush hour commute? Find a Station Ambassador on the train platform! 

Station Ambassadors are available to help you board and exit the train quickly during busy periods. 

  • Please do your part and listen to instructions from Station Ambassadors. They will tell you where to move on the platform to best access the train. This will help everyone board quickly and safely, and ensure the train departs on time. 
  • Most train platforms are long enough to fit a 12-coach train, but trains come in all different sizes. Station Ambassadors will know your train length before it arrives and will help you determine where on the platform is best to stand to board the train.  

Need assistance? Ask a Station Ambassador! Did you know that when Station Ambassadors transitioned outside of the ticket booths, they were equipped with a mobile device they can use to help you? 

See a Station Ambassador on the platform for help with: 

  • Trip Planning and wayfinding  
  • Setting up or changing the fare type on your PRESTO card (i.e. Adult, Student, Senior, etc.) 
  • Setting up default trips on your PRESTO card 
  • Investigating and resolving payment transaction issues 
  • Issuing a GO Complimentary ticket 
  • Paying and validating your fare

Metrolinx and Ontario Public Transit Association

We're proud to be participating with Ontario Public Transit Association on a new campaign to promote compliance with Ontario's accessibility standards. You will now start seeing posters on GO trains and buses featuring clear and simple messaging designed to offer friendly reminders about such features as priority seating and service animals, among others. Visit the OPTA webpage to learn more!

Travelling with a Support Person or Service Animal

If you need to travel with a support person, they can ride with you for free. Buy your ticket at the ticket counter. If you use PRESTO, ask the station ambassador at the ticket counter to put a Support Person sticker on your card. This only applies for travel on GO Transit and UP Express. Please contact your local transit agency to find out what their Support Person processes and identification requirements are.

We welcome guide dogs and other service animals that assist customers with physical, mental and/ or sensory disabilities when travelling on our trains and buses. As per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, we encourage customers to travel with documentation supporting their needs in the event it is requested.

AccessNow App

To help make trip planning easier you can use AccessNow when visiting a GO or UP Express station to find detailed accessibility listings and photos. You can search for locations with specific accessibility features and discover accessible places nearby.

Stations listed on the AccessNow map have badges reassuring customers that accessibility information is up to date, accurate and validated by AccessNow and Metrolinx.

Download and explore the free app today via Google Play or Apple App Store

Find our business page on the AccessNow app to share your comments or you can contact us by emailing accessibility@metrolinx.com.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program

We are part of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program, which means you can request a sunflower pin to wear. It will help our employees and others know you may require a bit more support, time or a helping hand when out in public. You can pick up a sunflower pin at Union Station by asking a GO Transit or UP Express employee or you can request one by emailing accessibility@metrolinx.com and we will send you a pin for free by mail. 

MagnusCards App

We’ve partnered with MagnusCards who offer step-by-step digital guides using visual cues as well as audio and text-based instructions. These are designed to help everyone including individuals with autism or neurodiversity navigate everyday activities, building confidence and independence.

In the Travel category on the app select GO Transit to access guides for PRESTO, UP Express, and the GO Transit network to help you with:

  • using a PRESTO card
  • ticket purchasing
  • checking schedules
  • trip planning

You can download the MagnusCards App for free on the App Store or from Google Play.

Find out more about using the MagnusCards app.  


If you need a GO Transit or Metrolinx document in a different format, please Contact Us or email us at accessibility@metrolinx.com.