Get started with GO Transit
Here's how you can travel easily and affordably in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton AreaGet started with GO Transit
Here's how you can travel easily and affordably in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area- Travelling on GO
- Get started with GO Transit
Welcome to GO Transit!
GO trains and buses will quickly get you where you need to go as you settle in to your new home, whether you’re going to see friends and family, for a job, for an event, or to explore all the wonderful things to do in the area.
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Get to know more
We’ll help you get started on GO in 3 easy steps:
Find a Station or Stop
How to find your closest GO train station or GO bus stop.
Where GO Transit can take you.
Ways to Pay
How to save money with a PRESTO card, discounts, passes, and more.
Find a Station or Stop
Here are easy step-by-step instructions to help you find the closest GO train or GO bus.
Step 1: Type in your location (example: main streets closest to you)
Step 2: Allow to “Know your location"
Step 3: Click "Update"
Step 4: Zoom out of the map. Look for circles until you find your GO Station
Step 5: Click “Go to Station page”
Step 6: This page will show you when the next trains or buses will be leaving
From the world-famous Niagara Falls to family fun around the city of Toronto, GO Transit will get you there quickly and easily! And remember, children 12 years old and under always ride GO for free!
Ways to Pay
Whether you’re going to work, visiting friends and family, or exploring your new area, the easiest way to pay your fare is with a PRESTO card.
You can use the PRESTO card on GO trains and buses, as well as 11 other transit agencies in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, and Ottawa.
PRESTO offers a discounted fare the more times you travel in a month.
Kids 12 and under always ride GO for free!
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You’ll get information on discounts, promotions, trip planning ideas, news & places to explore in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.