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Weekday GO Trains between Toronto & Niagara
Weekday GO Trains between Toronto & Niagara
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- Weekday GO Trains between Toronto & Niagara
Weekday GO Trains between Toronto & Niagara
Weekday GO Train service between Toronto and Niagara Falls is a great option for Niagara residents making a day trip into the city, or Torontonians looking for an overnight stay in Niagara. You can now enjoy weekday and weekend train trips in and out of Niagara, year-round.
Save with a Weekday Group Pass
Getting the best price for your group travel is simple. Just select the number of people in your group for all day unlimited travel on GO.
Weekday Group Pass:
Starting at $30 for 2 people, includes your GO Train ride there & back
Train Trip to Endless Possibilities
Whether you’re a couple looking for a staycation to Niagara Falls or a day trip with friends into the city, we’ve got you covered. Relax as you glance out the window passing by the Lake Ontario & Niagara River, without the stress of driving or worry about parking. It will be a truly Canadian experience remembered fondly for years.
Please note: As of Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the weekday 9:52 a.m. Niagara-bound train trip from Union Station will depart at 9:10 a.m. We’ve also adjusted schedules to better reflect actual travel times. Check your schedule.
Trips for all your needs:
- Union Station 9:10 a.m. – 11:26 a.m. Niagara Falls trip is a good option for residents or tourists in Toronto wanting to make a day trip to Niagara
- Niagara Falls 1:09 p.m. – 3:27 p.m. Union Station trip is best if you’re looking to stay overnight in Niagara and return to Toronto after hotel check-out times,or if you’re a Niagara resident wanting to spend the afternoon in Toronto for an event
- Niagara Falls 9:09 p.m. – 11:28 p.m. Union Station trip is perfect if you’re a day-tripper looking to return after a full 9-hour day in Niagara
- Union Station 10:50 p.m. – 1:12 a.m. Niagara Falls trip is ideal for Niagara residents returning home after an afternoon or early evening event or game in Toronto
When the Niagara GO Train isn’t available, you can jump on the Lakeshore West GO Train to Burlington and transfer to GO Bus Route 12 to get to Niagara. It will drop you off at the Niagara Falls Bus Terminal, across the street from the Niagara Falls Train Station.
Travelling on a weekend? Learn about our improved weekend GO Train service to Niagara.
Save with GO/WEGO Combo Tickets
$32 Round trip tickets for the Metrolinx GO Train, unlimited Niagara Falls WEGO bus usage for 24 hours
$37 Round trip tickets for the Metrolinx GO Train, unlimited Niagara Falls WEGO bus usage for 48 hours, unlimited Falls Incline Railway 48 hours
$82 Round trip tickets for the Metrolinx GO Train, unlimited Niagara Falls WEGO bus usage for 48 hours, unlimited Falls Incline Railway 48 hours, and admission to 5 fantastic year-round attractions
Gear up for biking adventures in Niagara!
Explore the sights, sounds and natural beauty of Niagara when you bring your bike along for the ride! Weekday Niagara GO Train trips can accommodate 2 bikes on each coach. Bicycles are allowed on GO Trains except during weekday rush hour service in the peak direction. Learn more about bicycles on GO in our FAQ section here.
Save with PRESTO Perks
Find out how and where you can show your PRESTO card to get discounts on some of Ontario's top attractions, through the PRESTO Perks program.